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Мы гордо носим имя лётчика-космонавта А. Г. Николаева...
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Dear guests of our website. We’re glad to see you here. Welcome! For more than 45 years our school, located in the center of our town, has been greeting its pupils with their parents and its guests. The atmosphere of our school is friendly which warms our children’s souls. Our school has a concept of human relations. The main purpose of our school is to conserve the individuality and peculiarity of every child and to help him to become familiar with the environment. Our teachers do all the best so that their lessons will give only positive and attractive feelings to the children. They try to support the interests that the children already have and moreover, they develop these interests.

Our school’s website has existed since 2006. Nevertheless, here you can learn much useful and interesting about our school:

News, that is updated almost every day
History of the school
-История школы
Statutes of the school -Устав школы
Administration of the school-Администрация,
Pride of the school-Наша гордость,
Academic activities-Учебная деятельность,
Timetable of optional and individual studies-Расписание факультативных и индивидуальных занятий,
Elective courses
-Курсы по выбору,
Methodical work-Методическая служба,
Educational  work-Воспитательная работа.
pages for pupils -Страничка для учеников,
their parents-Страничка для родителей,
a page about our school leavers-Наши выпускники
Photo gallery where you can find a lot of photos of our school events-Фотогалерея.

There’s a lot of useful information on our website.

Your wishes for our school and our website can be left in the guestbook - Гостевая книга or you can leave them in our forum - Форум.

You can also send them to our email address: soh10@rambler.ru  or call us: (8352)56-39-72

We hope you’ll like being here! =)

Изучаем Послание Президента Чувашии
2010- Год Учителя
Самый классный классный
Чувашия против табака
65-летию Победы
Образование Чувашии

Министерство образования и науки РФ

Приоритетный национальный проект "Образование"

Молодёжь за ЗОЖ
Единая коллекция цифровых образовательных ресурсов
Аттестация педагогических и руководящих работников в 2009-2010 году
  Погода в Чебоксарах
Календарь праздников России
Культурный провайдер Чувашии
Вузы России

Как проехать к школе
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